No Eulogy - The Legendary Castle - 05.02.2011 from B.S. on Vimeo.
Goddamn last night was a good time. Who knows why. Maybe it was the air. Maybe it was the mystery. Maybe it was the weed. All I know is that we got to play with two of the best bands Vancouver has to offer. This is just our set, once Brydon gets the rest up I'll post them for you to watch.
Narrow View are one of those bands where you listen to their demo and you're all "Shit son, this is sick, lets go watch these motha' fucka's" and then you see them and your brain is blown out the back of your head. Hellacious set, and Mark is a maniac front man. Someone should have made him pick up a mic ages ago.
Set Foot make me happy. Incredibly happy. Not happy like a fat kid eating chocolate, but how I imagine Ted Bundy felt when he realized he could get away with it. If I have any voice loss today it's because I was singing along to every song.
Vancouver was out in force, which I love to see. Got to see some crucial dudes. Also, watching their facial expressions when they saw the Van Isle push-mosh was amazing.
In other good news, we were able to almost-sorta finalize our tour schedule last night. I should be able to post an update for that in a week or two. Or maybe not.
Smoke weed, hail Satan